Our experience in hotel management ,hilistic medicine
Together on the way to success and prestige. Strategy. Organization. Solutions.
Presentation SPA Service
Our SERVICE is business management for companies and SPA management for hotels, distribution of SPA products and equipment, healthy retreats, vocational training and assistance for SPA staff.
We chose a team of specialists, mainly focused on the human business service, spa and healthy therapies. We provide the best and most time-tested in the world.
We work with companies that are prominent, unique and innovative manufacturers and service providers,focused on a natural and humane life and business.
Quality and prices are uncompetitive.
The reduction we provide is from the manufacturing price of all the companies and products presented.
SPA activities
Spa and healing natural therapies, with proven results and recognition
With a team of well-established specialists, we have developed as a result of many years of experience and application:
Suitable and extremely effective SPA programs for hotels, recreation centers, spa and wellness centers. They raise the image of spa services, cheap and quality eco products, expensive ritual services.
Easy and useful techniques and procedures from Ayurvedic practice + acupressure + elixirs of Dr. Bach are used.
Very easy and fast to apply, along with other procedures offered by the facility or on your own. With pleasure, we want to share with you the wonderful opportunities we offer you.
Hotel and Spa management, solutions and monitoring
Concepts and programs for eco and wellness services - products, systems, equipment
Training staff for operational activities and SPA- recreation, counseling.
Managing and selecting multiple staffing
Spa, Wellness and Health Courses and Training
Motivation and training in successful corporate and hotel standards - high category
Процедури за тяло - 6 вида
Включва : Един аюрведа Божествен масаж и акупресура
*Анти- целулитна и ревитализация / възможно и със скраб /
* Анти-стрес / възможно и с бамбукови пръчици /
* Енергетизираща / възможно и с кристали /
* Релакс и наслада / възможно и с билкови торбички /
* Подмладяване / възможно и с вулканични камъни /
* Балансираща, с 4 елемента / възможно и с хума, еко сол .. /
1 Ритуал : Масаж тяло + съответните : козметична процедура , акупресура точки 5 точки, с еко еликсири, етерични масла и еко продукти
Процедури за крака - 3 вида
Включва : Един аюрведа масаж и акупресура
* Анти-стрес
* Енергетизираща
* Релакс и наслада
1 Ритуал : Масаж + съответната билкова арома билкова вана / обща за цяло тяло или само за крака /, акупресура с етер. Масла, еликсири и еко продукти.
Процедури за лице - 3 вида
Включва : Един аюрведа дерма масаж и акупресура.
* Релакс и наслада
* Подмладяване
* Балансираща ,с 4 елемента
Масаж лице + съответните : козметична процедура + акупресура точки , с професионална козметика.
Учебни материали :
1.Видео за Аюрведа масажа - подробен учебен филм за целият масаж - 1 час , Видео - общо за 6 -те ритуала и за прилагане на еко продуктите и еко Еликсирите . Видео - за масажа за 4 ръце, Видео - за лице .
Необходими са 2 часа, за да се усвои айрведа масажа от масажиста или СПА терапевта
2. Акупресурни Схеми - 6 вида , с по 5 точки: за тяло за видовете процедури + 2 за лице + 1 за крака
3. Описание за изготвяне на процедурите и описание на видовете продукти, които се използват
In body therapies is used one main Ayurvedic massage with appropriate acupressure points, eco Elixirs and eco products: for each type of body procedure. This is a wonderful aroma Divine massage, which is used in 6 types of procedures.
Effective and easy to apply: a unique combination of Lomi Lomi, Thai Massage and An - mo, together with a set of 5 acupressure points - for each type of procedure.
Procedures for body, face and bath / for the leg or body / are applied individually or combined into the appropriate packages. The rituals we offer include Eco massage products, Dr. Bach elixirs, essential oils, aromas, dried herbs - flowers, bath salts and professional cosmetics.
Promotional materials
Catalog of healing SPA programs 6 types and packages / Variants of these therapies in combination / and Short Tests: 1. For Color Diet and Color Type, 2. Ph and 3. Dr. Bach elixirs for emotional state
Also, at your request, you can include crystals, volcanic stones, appropriate music, appropriate appliances and systems for emotional balancing and other useful solutions that we also successfully distribute.
The procedures body, face and bath / foot or body / are applied on their own, or you can apply it further in your already existing Spa menu.
In the offered from us rituals include Eco massage products, elixirs of Dr. Bach,essential oils, aromas, dried herbs - flowers,bath salts and professional cosmetics.
I Dr. Bach's natural homeopathy, with worldwide recognition
We are a representative of "Crystal Herbs" UK, the unique and wonderful natural vibrational homeopathy. With their
authentic Eco Dr. Bach elixirs: classic and upgraded / of flowers, minerals and crystals/ we are working, with wonderful
results for 10 years. . They are for drinking and for manual therapies.
Eco spa products, with world rewards and recognition
We distribute the best products that are included in our SPA therapeutic natural programs.World-famous and unique,
created in Bulgaria - for export to Europe, also famous eco producers from France and Italy.
1.Lidera Group: Eco spa products for massage and body care. Professional Cosmetics (with French patent) - "Profi Derm".
2. Aroma Essence: Eco Rose, lavender water / soaps,dried flowers for herbal baths and procedures, bath or body , bath salts
3. Rivana: Unique pure essential oils and massage products
4. Famous eco producers from France and Italy.
All products can be used self / out of our programs /, quality and efficiency is well established, you can convince yourself.
SPA & Equipment & Supplies for hotels, spa / wellness and beauty centers
We work with world famous and unique manufacturers:
1. ISO Benessere, Italy / no analogue /: Hotel equipment and furnishing, SPA / wellness, sports centers and swimming pools /
2. Leader Group / Trading, established in Bulgaria - for export: SPA & Cosmetics / Massage, Therapies & Beauty Equipment /
IT support and websites, marketing strategy, on-line reputation, advertising
We work with established companies:
1.Review Pro: On-line reputation, hotel Reputation Management
2. Famous companies in Cyprus, Greece and Germany - dealing with hotels and managerial activities in hotels around the world
3. "Website Online Business": business and social networking marketing, IT support and compilation
The established specialists for the SPA treatment programs are:
Assoc. Prof. Andonova, Chief Teacher of European Graduate Courses "Massages and Eastern Techniques" at the National Sports Academy, which has also produced the educational Video especially for us
Mrs. Emilia Voleva, economist - holistic manager and specialist in holistic medicine / manager of TLCenter
With our service and advice,we work on other business lines and with training. We are glad that we can provide an extremely good image, human environment,combined with high profits and satisfied customers.
Asset and Facility Management in Hotel Chains and Holdings
Interior and functional solutions in hotel complexes, MALLs
Architectural projects and SPA design of corporate buildings
Importance of Eco Spa Programs
Together with specialists from Bulgaria, India and Greece, with years of successful practice and excellent results, we have developed effective spa programs.
They combine the best and most useful practices,with eco natural products and systems: for restoring health,perfect relaxation, energy loading and complete harmony.
Natural SPA programs are a global hit, eastern techniques, eco products, fragrances,elixirs and essential oils for complete relaxation and adjustment.
With our professional face cosmetics is achieved quickly the necessary rejuvenation and revitalization,but with our special aromatic salts and flower products,is achieved complete delight.
Dr. Bach's vibration elixirs shall be included in the procedures:mental equilibrium and anti-tres. Consultations for color and PH nutrition, recreation,fill the healing and recovery cycle.
Combined with wellness, fitness, yoga and meditation practices, the process is unforgettable and refreshing. Guests remember their holiday due to Spa climate in the hotel, attitude and food.
This is achieved with our programs and service model, with the natural products for conducting the procedures and with the good self-confidence of the staff, with satisfied and happy customers.
Procedures are more expensive than classic, the investment is in offering a full service cycle,instead of buying expensive products and equipment. A SPA therapist can do everything alone, and 1 fitness / yoga teacher can continue beneficial process.
We carry out with our developed programs: therapy addictions, incl. weight loss in holiday homes and hotels
Uniqueness and hit
Typically, in SPA and beauty t reatments, expensive products and seasonal staff (or less
experienced specialists) while the best SPA specialists have their own business.
The important thing is ,to attract customers to Spa services with special attitude,an excellent SPA package and full engagement, including outside the spa area - to the gym, pool, yoga on the beach. A wonderful solution is also healthy (or colorful, bio, detoxifying / eating, entertainment and recreation near the hotel / recreation center) and in the locality.
We have implemented in our own practice and in hotels / SPA areas, with our programs achieving an excellent extra profit.
Including fitness / yoga-meditation, pilates /, with added: optional / color-diet test and color type, PH, elixirs Dr. Bach, crystals, music, fragrances and appliances- emotional balance systems / the profit is more for the object and clients are cured imperceptibly and with recovered strength.
Here the focus is on the quality of the service and the complex performance (full cycle), the therapist's mastery, acquired from on-line learning and teaching materials. We are able to create the appropriate attitude of the staff in an appropriate way.
Massage is not just massage but is Ayurvedic. Six kinds of therapies are for complete treatment and enjoyment. Wellnes is not a load and a sport, but a complete relaxation and fun. Feeding is conscious and service is friendly and competent.
Financial and Operational Management
Analyzes, business forecasts, control and consultancy
Corporate development, planning, strategy, organization
Marketing solutions, on-line reputation, advertising and support
Our programs can be used in the SPA center or hotel menu, individually,in packages with other procedures or to be included in the concept of any existing spa / wellness area, in hotels.
The effect with them has been proven over the years with its magical effect for complete harmony, rejuvenation and therapy.
The programs are very easy to learn and apply by therapists - assimilated for 1 day, through detailed video recordings of Ayurveda Massage and Types of Therapies, with a booklet of 6 acupressure points schemes : for body + 1 for steps + 1 for face.
It is important to select and combine the performance that we have established. The schemas are also prepared in print posters for the spa area, for facilitation / for the 6 procedures, rituals / packages.
It is possible to run programs with own brands of products. Our service is not tied to their sale. Apart from our proposal for SPA Programs,
you can order and shop with us, with the products presented in our e-shop in your SPA protocols.
The furnishing and equipment of ISO Benessere, Italy, which we offer, has no analogue and is at the top of the modern SPA industry
/ including energy, color, vibration, aqua, thalasso, crystal and music / sound therapy /.
Our SPA design consultations for zones are for ergonomic, green and zen areas. Our Feng Shui Elements charge the place and activity: with pure energies of abundance, health, happiness and perfect harmony with complete protection and enriching effect, synchronization.
We work with Tesla's famous products: Purple Plates, also: Harmonic and Emotional Balance Systems at the HMI / Heart Math Institute, which are a global contemporary hit.